The day after New Years, we had some friends visiting us from out of town. Luke promised their daughter to take her trad climbing. We ended up getting a late start and knew they would have to finish the climb fast, so I decided to stay behind on the trail and play around with my new camera. I ended up hiking for a few hours waiting for Luke to finish the climb. One thing I learned while waiting in the brisk, cold weather was that in order to see the most remarkable things in life we actually have to look. If we are just speeding bye, waiting for the next moment, we wont see them.
For Christmas this year I asked for a new camera. The one I had previously was pretty old and bulky and I found myself not taking it out as much because it was too heavy to carry. Luke ended up getting me an awesome sony alpha. It is a mirrorless camera, so it is tiny and light weight, perfect for fitting in a backpack. The only thing I really wanted to do for my Christmas break was to see Zion in the snow. Luke timed it perfectly so we could be there just after it snowed, and after Christmas so I would have my camera. It was so beautiful in Zion that day. Probably my favorite look I have ever seen. A perfect blanket of white snow covering everywhere mixed with the red rocks. The further we got into the canyon, the more snow there was. We didn't even make it to the Narrows because the snow was just too deep and the road was too icy. We still managed to get some awesome photos though. The only downside to it being so snowy is that there wasn't much as far as adventures to be ...
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